Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tons O Fun

The boys and I decided, courtesy of KJ's great idea to hit the surrounding areas to do a little geocaching ...

It of course led to many more adventures. First there was the viewing of super sweet ducklings.

And then after stealthy finding two caches in highly muggle infested areas (one actually involved the snatching of and running to the bathroom to view in hiding) we had some hungry bellies. We were on a mission to see how much food we could get for the seven dollars I had in my pocket. The plan, stop at first fast food restaurant and see if we could get everything we wanted for the cash we had.

We spotted Burger King and pulled in. Due to their Value Menu for a mere 5.40 we were able to get ...

1 Junior Whoper
4 Chicken Tenders
1 Small Fries
2 Soda Pops

It didn't take long for us to realize one small fries was not going to satiate this potato loving gang, so the last dollar went to a second order. After that the boys began a "no food left behind mission"

And the mission was successful (even to the point that I had to eat the raw onions off Mitchel's burger to ensure we did not leave any food behind.

We headed to a new to us park, to check it out and do a little more caching. We were successful in quickly finding the cache and then spent hours enjoying this new treasure. It backs right on to our favorite library so we grabbed some new stuff. Along the trail there was a workout station set up so the boys stopped to get in a little exercise.

Mitchel was inspired to do a little Karate Kid rendition.

And who knew the park would have such a great water feature (though I will admit that a few of the parents looked a little frightened by the boys full on water explorations)


mesmith said...

Haha - y'all said "soda pop"!

MMmommy said...

I suspected you would notice that !!

I also thought you might notice the mention of swapping KJ as a brother for Fergus in the second to last video