Thursday, June 2, 2011

Road Trippin' and Life is Goodin'

The boys and I made our first huge solo road trip driving from Santa Clara to Vancouver, Washington. We did it in two days, passing through the stunning Mount Shasta to rest in the not as stunning Yreka our first day.

Mount Shasta (as taken from an iPhoto while driving so can imagine it was much more fabulous)

Black Bear Diner agreeably the worst food we have ever eaten

Hills we ran through to move the worst food ever more quickly through out bodies

No pictures of day two driving through sleet, hail, lightening, wind and down pour. All hands were on the wheel. Here though are some shots from landing safely amongst folks we are crazy about.

There was Hugging

Repairs of epic proportions (Rob is amazing)

Cuddling to view small screens

Cruising hallways and lobbies

Hallway Hackey Sacking

Park Day Posing

Gamer IRL Time (seriously Xander was in with the gang and not sad and left out like he looks here)

ReD Rover Hotel Style

Some hallway spin the bottle (no worries there was not any kissing involved just talk of it)

Bed Jumping