Saturday, December 19, 2009

GIngerbread House

The boys were certain they wanted to make a gingerbread house. I offered the ole, graham cracker option, it got two thumbs down. They remember back to the one year, a kind friend of mine, made gingerbread for use to make our own houses (they forget the part where she was there to help assemble them, being a pastry chef and knowing much more about these things then I do)

I offered to try making the gingerbread, though Mitchel (scarred from my previous years attempt at gluten free gingerbread with the non fancy molasses) was certain there was a packaged product out in the world that would taste good (and may be ready faster)

Here are the results ...

It stayed standing for a total of 1.5 hours and apparently tasted HORRIBLE, "but we'll eat the candies."

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