The write ups spoke of children's entertainment, foods from afar and wineries abounding.
As we entered we realized we were in for something completely out of OUR ordinary.
Yes folks that sign says deep fried oreos and milk
We chose to keep looking for something a little more up our alley.
The next startling moment for Puck and I was when we realized there was drinking everywhere and anywhere in the outdoor space. Yep buy your glass, your tokens and fill up before heading to the playground to watch the children. The glass pictured here, has a few sips out of it after Puck and I split the "taster in half". The glasses were being filled to the brim.
I was shot more then one nasty comment from folks whom I bumped in to while maneuvering the fully crowded pathways. My response, "I guess that's what happens when you drink in public." Really people it's my fault that your near spilling over glass dropped a little on your shirt while you pushed through this congested walkway.
Proof that here in Santa Clara pigs do fly .. which made this all seem so much less surreal
Puck and I were both awarded these wrist bands that meant we were of drinking age and thus permitted to wander around with booze in the park ..
Mitch spun a wheel at a stall advertising some sort of foot wear and won this water bottle.
We were also approached to become Republicans and choose appropriate School Board Members (while wearing our unschooling t-shirts).
We did discover the children's section of the "festival" were parents were drinking and / or supervising their children as they went on various rides .. with the Santa Clara police smack dab in the middle handing out coloring sheets. I wondered if they were also just trusting us drinking parents wouldn't drive home in the cars parked up and down road ways as far as the eye could see.
Two brothers made the long climb up ..
Only one slid down .. (the other chose to walk back down the stairs)
We did find the entertainment and I think if this picture could speak it would say "What these old guys singing eighties cover tunes is the best they could do ?"
Apparently we were the only ones who noticed, or maybe it's cause we were sober, cause most folks were kicking up their heals ..
I know now why so many films and TV shows take place in California .. you can not ask for a more brilliant cast of characters ..
This woman for example, with all that blond hair and her bedazzled jacket with it's matching belt and suede boots sat down on the steps in front of us with her entourage of characters just in time for her suede boots to be the recipient of some red wine that was at the end of Mitchel's toe ...
It was only a drop or two but it was enough to send the entire group flying in an uproar ..
well that is all except this guy who picked up a discarded napkin from the ground and tried to remove the wine from the pavement .. where it had already been soaked in .. he stopped to ask Mitchel if he was in fact using the camera he had pointed his way and then to offer up "the world's best pose".
I really could go on and on about the whole adventure with copious photos of crazy characters .. however I think I have made my point. I will however be adding some video soon that Puck took on the sly of some of the nearby dancers.
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