Saturday, April 3, 2010

Life outside the Apple bubble

I have to confess .. I am sometimes less then generous with my attention to all things Apple as of late ... I mean really how many times can I listen to a guy go on about how great it is inside the Apple Bubble with their pizza parties and cake, without feeling a little jealous, resentful left out. And not all of us, would know Steve Wozniak if we bumped it not him at the mall just moments after confessing a strong desire to meet the guy. Some of us .. are just trying to get by in our day do day-ness .. outside the bubble in a foreign country.

Cause you know what folks it is foreign. There are things missing that we are all used to having at our fingertips, there are behaviors, and norms that are implied, that can leave a person looking well, less then normal if they don't know about these hidden social cues. And mostly there are super important people missing from our day to day ness .. and sometimes, that just feels sucky (for lack of a more grown up refined word).

This post is meant to amuse and entertain .. and not as a public admission of marital strife .. Puck and I had a good chuckle this morning .. the conversation ..

Shannon "you have food in your teeth,"

Puck, "Oh ya, they had fresh made bagels at the office,"

Shannon, "beside the scantily clad woman waiting to massage you?"

Puck, "she was not scantily clad!"

Burst of laughter from both followed with, Shannon, "you do understand why its hard to hear your tales of life at Apple."

Nod of affirmation, with out diminishing the smile that has been plastered on his face since Mar. 1st.


Melissa Mead said...

Hi Shannon!

I know, I know! It shouldn't seem forgein - people are speaking english. You are sharing similar life goals etc. I used to walk to the mirror just to check that I hadn't turned into a green alien with blue and purple spots sprouting a few extra arms and antenna! I had to plan my wedding just after I moved so South Africa. In the end it was...OK I just want coloured flowers and music I can dance too...thank you.

I'm so glad Puk is happy at will settle a year or so! ;P

mesmith said...

Oh, I bet they are scantily clad! He just wasn't paying attention and was dreaming of getting back to his computer.