The boys were focussed on having a party to celebrate Halloween, they are quite used to being the little entertainers. Makinley did say on the day of the party "are all my friends coming to the party? " When I explained how far away most of his friends were and he said "oh I guess they are busy today." Once the food and fun came out .. the house was full of laughter!

Halloween was a packed full of fun as well. We made the Weeks Halloween Favorite of Witches Brew!! The boys carved a host of pumpkins to adorn Gram Gram's porch.

The boys were also thrilled when Gram Gram pulled out all of her Halloween crafts so that they could decorate the door for the trick or treaters! And finally after all that waiting it was time to put the costumes on and hit the streets!!

The night ended with a bang when Uncle Ron showed up with a few fire crackers!!

The next day fueled by candy power, we raked piles of leaves and ... well who can resist with all those leaves !!!

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