Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
... it has been my mission to find space that is a lot more natural and a lot less populated since our arrival here ..
.. we did go Geocaching this weekend and found a place that could have fit the bill .. though the overgrown sign identify some part of the foliage as Poison Oak, freaked us all out and we were a little apprehensive about touching much or venturing too far off the trail... we were successful in finding the cache and got out unscathed
.. today though, quite by accident, the boys and I stumbled across a place that truly fit the bill of what we had been looking for .. and of course some pretty cool play stuff unfolded .. had we been prepared enough to bring along food we might still be there ...
.. here's a little look
.. we did go Geocaching this weekend and found a place that could have fit the bill .. though the overgrown sign identify some part of the foliage as Poison Oak, freaked us all out and we were a little apprehensive about touching much or venturing too far off the trail... we were successful in finding the cache and got out unscathed
.. today though, quite by accident, the boys and I stumbled across a place that truly fit the bill of what we had been looking for .. and of course some pretty cool play stuff unfolded .. had we been prepared enough to bring along food we might still be there ...
.. here's a little look
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010

.. The time had come for Puck and I to visit the DMV and get our California licenses. We had heard different stories, received various pieces of information .. and so decided going together made the most sense. Being that we don't know a single person here, that meant the boys were also coming to the DMV. Which those of you who know the boys well can imagine was met with .. well something a little less then enthusiasm. I will openly admit to promising Ice Cream after the visit. I am sure in hindsight, Mitchel and KJ would have demanded something a little more then ice cream for enduring the 2.5 hour DMV ordeal.
I was prepared with a full back pack. One DVD player, one DS1, on PSP, stack of movies, three or four snack option, head phones and all required chargers. And admittedly a smug look on my face, figuring I could handle near anything with the arsenal I had armed myself with. This was quickly replaced with a look of panic when I realized there was not one single power outlet insight and both gaming systems had flashing low battery lights.
The first step, was to wait, then get an application form fill it out, wait again to be rewarded with a number and then we got to wait. This third wait was the kicker, well over an hour, as we waited for our number to be called. I calmly explained to the boys, "this is it boys, the last piece of our transition in to California." Only to have Puck respond with, "no its not we still have to do the road test."
So it turns out I would be the first to have a melt down in the DMV office. It sounded something like, "fine, you can drive the whole time we are here, I am not doing this!"
The boys maintained their cool for the better part of the hour that we were sitting simply waiting for our number to be called. One mother did move her child away from us, I can only imagine it was because every time I dolled out a food offering her child asked, "mom can I have a snack?" I did try in vane to make eye contact and offer to share .. I am guessing moving away from temptation was more her style.
Part way through the wait, I looked at Puck and said, "what's are plan for when our numbers get called?" He was G 127 and I was G128 (not smart planning), he said, "we don't have a plan."
And then for whatever reason the G numbers started being called a much accelerated rate! Divide and conquer I said, you take one child I will take the other. Sounded reasonable enough ....
So KJ and I get called up and trot on over to our window. The guy on the other side seems friendly enough, "how are you doing today?" I say, "Good thanks." The man is sitting in a chair and so can just barely see the top of KJ's head. I see him glance that way and say, "My friend is well also."
To which KJ responds, "I am your son. If I was your friend why the heck would I be here with you."
The man was instantly amused and told me what an intelligent child I had.
The process, goes slow but without incident.
And now I am getting my picture taken and then completing my written exam. There is Puck moments ahead of me, head down writing his test while Mitchel sits in a chair near by. KJ joins MItch and I assume the head down concentration position .. until I hear a voice say loudly, "Who's children are these."
My head snaps quickly around, to find my boys sitting in a chair together. Hmm, what's the big deal? I announce, "they are our children and we are both writing this exam."
The DMV employ apologizes and I am permitted to return to my head down concentration. Now all of you mothers out there are sure to know how well I could concentrate, knowing my boys were right behind me, at the end of their rope and likely to be preyed upon again by a "well meaning" DMV employ.
Again, I hear, "who's children are these?" I am shaping up to look like an outstanding parent now.
My head snaps around again, this time I see my boys standing, big eyes and terrified beside a DMV employ who I know in hind sight had told them to move. I again explain, that their parents are both trying to write the ding dang test. She however insists that they must move, but softens her demeanor a bit by offering crayons and paper. KJ chooses to instead cling to my left hand, while I rush to the end of the test.
My intention now to get the heck out of there, passing no longer a necessity.
I finish and return to another line, I am front of this one, however, there is no one manning the window I am at line in. The boys excitement is rising as they see the light at the end of the tunnel. 15 minutes and finally we are invited to the counter, this time it is the first lady who had searched for the parents of "these children" and so she invites Puck and I both to the counter. Marks our tests and we both pass .. me by the skin of my teeth him with a little more room to breath.
We exit hastily to find those ice cream treats I had promised.
Relieved from the ordeal, we find a Dairy Queen, and I promptly order "1 small smartie blizzard and one small oreo blizzard." The woman repeats "an oreo blizzard and a (insert questioning pause)... I repeat my order, she repeats her questioning. I am wondering what part do you want me to say again ... the blizzard .. the small .. the smartie... Finally, as she begins to ask "what is a smartie." Puck starts to laugh, loudly and reminds we "We aren't in Canada any more, there are no Smarties !!"
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Passing along stories

When my young Makinely awoke this morning, the first words out of his mouth were, "Good morning Mom. Happy St. Patrick's Day. I have to get my green clothes on." Shortly after that, he noticed me without green clothes on (I was still in my jammies) and I was reward with a quick pinch on the bum !!
I have always associated St. Patrick's day with my dad, Ronald Patrick, and his genuine connection to his mother and her irish roots. It was a day, we could count on dad wearing a ridiculous amount of green, reminding us to do the same, speaking in an irish tone, belting out irish tunes and in general relishing in all things Irish (that includes green beer right?)
I recently found a card, from my paternal grandmother (but of course with our recent move I can't track down the special spot I tucked it in to) reminding me to give my dad a kiss for her on St. Patrick's Day. As well, she recounts days when she would send my father ahead on forest trails to scare away the snakes. His name is Patrick after all. It was an endearing letter that tied together many memories and stories I had been told throughout my life.
Once our loved ones pass, these stories, treasured notes and memories are what we have left to tie us together. Hence why, today when Makinely so excitedly wished me a Happy St. Patrick's day, my heart melted a little. He too will hear the stories, he to will have the chance to connect with those family members who live on in our hearts.
May the luck of the Irish be with you today !!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Sunday Adventures
It is worth noting we will need to do a little more research to find the Star Wars like forest.
Instead we watched pelicans fish and found crabs under rocks before heading to a light house ..though wind stopped us from being permitted to cross the tiny bridge. The views were amazing!
And at the last stop we found a turtle!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Children's Museum Take 2
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Our New Pad
Here is what we will soon be calling home .. taken from an add on line ..
This unit is right on Pruneridge golf course. Kitchen and bathrooms have recently been remodeled. The master bedroom has a huge walk-in closet. Refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave, and wine cooler included. Private patio, a/c, fireplace, and a bonus room.
It also comes, we found out after the fact, with pool access, tennis court access and golf course access. Perhaps our family will take up golf.
A few pics ...
This is looking from the "non formal" dining room in to the kitchen ..

The formal dining room .. that will be repurposed as hockey/toy/LEGO .. storing playing creating area
My walk in closet that rivals in size the room the boys shared back home ...

And the "bonus space" which will be home to the hub that will be my work space ...
So don't be shy folks .. there is plenty of space for visitors .. and with the amenities we are offering it has got to be worth it !!
This unit is right on Pruneridge golf course. Kitchen and bathrooms have recently been remodeled. The master bedroom has a huge walk-in closet. Refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave, and wine cooler included. Private patio, a/c, fireplace, and a bonus room.
It also comes, we found out after the fact, with pool access, tennis court access and golf course access. Perhaps our family will take up golf.
A few pics ...
This is looking from the "non formal" dining room in to the kitchen ..

The formal dining room .. that will be repurposed as hockey/toy/LEGO .. storing playing creating area
My walk in closet that rivals in size the room the boys shared back home ...

And the "bonus space" which will be home to the hub that will be my work space ...
So don't be shy folks .. there is plenty of space for visitors .. and with the amenities we are offering it has got to be worth it !!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Okay, I still have not found a chord with the ability to transfer the images from the camera to the computer ! However the boys and I had fun taking shots of ourselves today and I figure it is enough to break up the text of this long over due first our transition in to California Blog Post ...

It all started six short days ago .. when we left the comfort of my mom's home for the unknown .. (okay truthfully the transition started weeks before that so we were all in fact exhausted before we got to the part where we were actually leaving the country) ..
First up was the rather tearful departure at the ferry terminal as we said good bye to Mitzy our much loved Van (oh ya and and Mom and Uncle Ron Dog). We then huffed our five oversized suitcases ... and six carry on bags inside. It is worth noting that one of the afore mentioned bags was already busted as it sprang from the back of the van upon opening. We weighed the big bags, tagged them and dropped them down the slot to be transported to the ferry. We did discuss what it might be like to jump down their ourselves as it is a rather steep drop !! Ferry was on time .. we ate breakfast and the rest of the sailing was spent watching women's curling .. TV on the ferry what a great idea !!

Fast forward through a few mundane details and we find ourselves in the Secondary Screening Station of Security (its the place in between security and the giant Welcome to the United States sign at the Vancouver Airport). Now I have been in some intimidating situations in my life, none compare to this particular one. This is the place you go if you don't pass inspection when trying to enter the US. We were there cause we had to get our Visas, however, you quickly forget that, as the stale air hangs in his noise less space. Folks here are either scared, desperate or have the job of making you feel scared and desperate And I am here, with my unschooled, hungry, thirsty young boys. They don't give a rats A%% about security, or VISAS or getting in to the US. They would like food .. drinks .. a bathroom .. to get on the plane .. to climb .. to make noise .. anything other then sitting in a chair waiting for someone outside of us to determine when we are permitted to cross the line underneath the sign that Welcomes us to the great US of A. Time total : 1 hour 15 minutes ( I was sure it more like six hours but the clock told a different story).

Again .. some time passed .. there were snippety moments .. less then polite things said to one another .. spattered with laughter and apologies ..
We landed in San Francisco .. gathered a ridiculous amount of luggage and took a train ride to the counter of Hertz rental car. Puck was tenth in line to pick up our rental car .. and two wickets were open. So the boys set up hurdle races using the ropes put up to direct customers toward empty wickets. Instead of jumping over however, the challenge was to duck underneath and each race of course was for the gold medal. To say we drew attention is a slight under statement.
And then when the car was finally all ready and we set out .. here is what we found parked in the space we were suppose to pick our car up from

As if being in California in a non vacationing way was not enough, now we were barreling down a six lane highway in a super gas guzzling pimped out Cadillac. The boys, all three of them were blissful. The song on the radio, "Pour some Sugar on Me" Def Lepard .. I am trying to imagine how I would spend the next month navigating this monster through traffic and highways three times the size of what I am used to !!
More to come .. in another installment

It all started six short days ago .. when we left the comfort of my mom's home for the unknown .. (okay truthfully the transition started weeks before that so we were all in fact exhausted before we got to the part where we were actually leaving the country) ..
First up was the rather tearful departure at the ferry terminal as we said good bye to Mitzy our much loved Van (oh ya and and Mom and Uncle Ron Dog). We then huffed our five oversized suitcases ... and six carry on bags inside. It is worth noting that one of the afore mentioned bags was already busted as it sprang from the back of the van upon opening. We weighed the big bags, tagged them and dropped them down the slot to be transported to the ferry. We did discuss what it might be like to jump down their ourselves as it is a rather steep drop !! Ferry was on time .. we ate breakfast and the rest of the sailing was spent watching women's curling .. TV on the ferry what a great idea !!

Fast forward through a few mundane details and we find ourselves in the Secondary Screening Station of Security (its the place in between security and the giant Welcome to the United States sign at the Vancouver Airport). Now I have been in some intimidating situations in my life, none compare to this particular one. This is the place you go if you don't pass inspection when trying to enter the US. We were there cause we had to get our Visas, however, you quickly forget that, as the stale air hangs in his noise less space. Folks here are either scared, desperate or have the job of making you feel scared and desperate And I am here, with my unschooled, hungry, thirsty young boys. They don't give a rats A%% about security, or VISAS or getting in to the US. They would like food .. drinks .. a bathroom .. to get on the plane .. to climb .. to make noise .. anything other then sitting in a chair waiting for someone outside of us to determine when we are permitted to cross the line underneath the sign that Welcomes us to the great US of A. Time total : 1 hour 15 minutes ( I was sure it more like six hours but the clock told a different story).

Again .. some time passed .. there were snippety moments .. less then polite things said to one another .. spattered with laughter and apologies ..
We landed in San Francisco .. gathered a ridiculous amount of luggage and took a train ride to the counter of Hertz rental car. Puck was tenth in line to pick up our rental car .. and two wickets were open. So the boys set up hurdle races using the ropes put up to direct customers toward empty wickets. Instead of jumping over however, the challenge was to duck underneath and each race of course was for the gold medal. To say we drew attention is a slight under statement.
And then when the car was finally all ready and we set out .. here is what we found parked in the space we were suppose to pick our car up from

As if being in California in a non vacationing way was not enough, now we were barreling down a six lane highway in a super gas guzzling pimped out Cadillac. The boys, all three of them were blissful. The song on the radio, "Pour some Sugar on Me" Def Lepard .. I am trying to imagine how I would spend the next month navigating this monster through traffic and highways three times the size of what I am used to !!
More to come .. in another installment
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