Thursday, January 28, 2010


.. Mitch was insistent that he needed a suit .. lucky for us our local mall is having some pretty sweet deals right now ...

Not to be out done by his just as charming brother.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Waiting to go home

San Jose post security


Friday, January 22, 2010

San Fran and the Golden Gate Bridge

We made out way to San Fran .. the drive was delightful with the first real sunny skies we had seen. We were however hit with heavy rain as we came in to the city. Luckily, by the time we found parking down town things had eased up a bit and eventually the sun reappeared

And we were all thrilled a delighted to cross the Golden Gate Bridge and climb up to enjoy the views


.. KJ and I found ourselves at the Steakhouse, while daddy and Mitch were at the Sharks game (this was after we revisited Chucky Cheese and discovered it was a fundraiser night and there were about 200 other folks looking to play some games, so we left and walked 2.6 km along the Cupertino sidewalks, that were suffering from the recent "heavy" rain fall, and covered in HUGE puddles, which for KJ was delightful, for our feet it was wet and muddy ... )

It is worth mentioning that this shot was taken right before KJ's mouth was overcome with "spicy, spicy, spicy" and he declared this, "the worst idea ever." I was thankful for the waitress who arrived with a tall glass of milk that was "perfect now all I taste is milk," and a new non seasoned steak. Which quickly made this, "the best meal ever." And then when the bill came, I was even more grateful as we were not charged for any of KJ's food ! !

Thursday, January 21, 2010

No maid service please

.. after a big day yesterday .. LEGO store, HP Pavillion, 2 local parks and Chuck E Cheeses .. the boys are quite happy to stay in the room ...

.. here is a look at why we are requesting "no maid service PLEASE!"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mitchel's LEGO store haul


Cause you never know what is going to happen ...

.. when you stick your face up against the locked doors of a Hockey arena

.. the boys and I were enthusiastically exploring the outside of the HP Pavilion while Puck bought tickets for tomorrow nights game. When the door opened and a man said, "you are not from around here are you?"

"No, we are from Vancouver Island ... "

"Well when you are done buy tickets come back here and I'll give you a tour."

We could not have ordered a tour this fabulous

We also sat on the Zamboni, the home bench, walked on the ice ... etc etc ..

Extra Large Potato

Pictures from airport to hotel

Drinks in flight

-movie in flight

Even though we read the ingredients five times Puck could not bring himself to eat this in flight snack

As we were touching down Mitchel from the window seat exclaimed "oh no!" and KJ screamed (likely happy to be there though easily mistaken as fear). It made for a good laugh from many around us!

Where are our bags .... And below Kj's new kicks ... Who knew there would be a Crocs store in the airport.

Cat nap

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Crazy card game


Seattle airport

Mitch...playing a lovely game that mimics a full drum kit (loud and repetative)

-Big body moving

Post security

"hey going through security was fun". Mitchel


What would we do without techno gadgets!

Pre flight breaky

Bleary eyed boys rise before eight to indulge in Smiity's breakfast!


Monday, January 18, 2010

Bedtime snacks

Ring pops and chewie Candy


Heading off

KJ loving his new Apps ...thanks for the tips Fergus and Effie

-Mitch wanting to be there already !

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Farting Butterflies

"Hey mom wouldn't it be funny if I was spraying water in your mouth from a tiny hole in a water balloon. And it burst and there was a butterfly egg that I swallowed. And then I farted and out came a butterfly in a bubble. And then I farted again and there was more butterflies?"

Friday, January 8, 2010

Hockey Fever continues

.. as Mitchel works to get as close as possible to being a "real"hockey player .. we picked up a new net, a mouth guard and even a jock ...


We watched commercials for these things and wondered .. are they really all they say they are????

Naturally, when we saw a pack at Walmart, we picked them up. It was our consumer duty to test this product out and compare it's diversity to the commercial's claims.

Claim: "Stick on any surface"

Actually: there was frustration involved, with window sticking .. with a little force they stuck. Walls and cardboard were a much easier surface for sticking

Upon opening, first reactions

Mitchel: its just wax on a string

Makinley : cool

Mom: hmm... I thought they would be bigger

The commercial claims endless creative possibilities ....

Mitchel : thumbs down, these things aren't that much fun

Makinley : cool

Mom : "look what I made"

The photographic evidence of our initial experimenting

Post experiment : Makinley has played with these again .. Mitchel was drawn in once more for a moment .. and I have walls, windows and doors decorated with Bendaroos .. they collect dirt and dust easily so I don't know that we will be able to use them time and time again as suggested.

Monday, January 4, 2010

WebKinz and their cute owners

We had a visit from the Mayer family, lucky us ...

.. tons of fun was had by each of us

... here are a few shots of the kids after they decided to gather all their webkinz together

Effie's new finds .. at the local cool webkinz spot ...

Happy New Year

A couple of the other grown ups .. present during out New Years ... have blogged about it




I thought I would drop in a little video footage .. made by the younger members of the festivities!