Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Trout Fishing

The handsome young men, showcased above, and I , set out on our bikes today. Our intent, to search the river for the elusive Salmon heading up stream to spawn. We have been at this for a few weeks yet, and are slowly becoming discouraged by the lack of salmon sightings.
Today was like the others, very little evidence of any salmon for the larger part of our journey. The boys forged on searching for an "abandoned campsite," while in character as the "jungle searchers." Each of us entranced by the fall day.
On the way back, beneath the bridge, we spotted a HUGE salmon. We cheered, in the kind of way you do when you suspect you are alone. A voice called to us, asking for details of the kind of fish we had seen. Across the river, stood a boy with a fishing rod. He shouted details and questions my way, it was tough hearing, due to the traffic above. I consulted the team about perhaps checking out what this boy was up to.
There were nerves, as meeting a stranger isn't a favorite past time. After a few assurances, that I would do all the talking, we scrambled up the rock face to the bridge. We crossed the bridge and stepped underneath to find the boy. Without even an exchange of hellos or names, he launched in to a description of the fish in the river below. I was taken aback by the wealth of knowledge pouring from his mouth.
The jungle searchers, whispered questions, that I relayed. We heard about salmon, trout, spawning, fishing techniques and the like. " I am here everyday fishing, " the boy explained.
"Hmphf, " I say, "you don't go to school?" (I know the standard question, it just slipped out)
"Nope I homeschool."
"We do to"
And back to the fishing. Oh but not before showing us his latest two catches, rather good sized trout. "You can have them," he enthusiastically offered.
I consultant again with my travel companions. They are some hmms and a couple of haaass. And then two hardy, yeses! So I take off my jacket wrap up the fish and head home.
Now some of you readers, might be thinking this is the part of the story where we fry them up and enjoy a nice meal. However, we are radical in our unschooling life. We had to cut it open first. We had to find out what the blood looked like, how the skin felt, where the pooh game from, whether it was a boy or girl (the fish eggs gave it away), find the heart and so on and so on .
It was in my opinion a most perfect example of why I never dream of spending my time writing lessons plans .. in know could they compare to the lessons that present themselves when we are open to the world before us!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Labour Day Lake
To honor our Thanksgiving for the grand natural world around us, on Monday we headed out off roading. Puck had a destination in mind, though he was not quite sure how he would get to it. We headed to Mount Arrowsmith, and instead of climbing up we went straight until we found what we were looking for!
Before setting out on the actual hike, everyone got a chance to take a family photo

And then if was off to find the lake where we discovered interesting and unidentifiable objects

Before setting out on the actual hike, everyone got a chance to take a family photo

And then if was off to find the lake where we discovered interesting and unidentifiable objects

Monday, October 12, 2009
Pom Pom Faces
.. we were decorating the house, with halloween treasures that gram handed down to use a few years back and discovered some craft materials. K recently bought himself some glue. A perfect opportunity for some crafts, I think to myself. The boys agree, I duck out for the briefest of moments to attend to an important task (okay I was checking my email) and here is what I return to.

Code 50 and the Golden Swan
The boys play a game Code 50 with Nani, I am unclear as to all the rules, however I know it involves walking the streets and avoiding being spotted by anyone ... there is diving, jumping and hiding! After a highly successful night they returned home with the prized Golden Swan .. from where .. again not so clear. In celebration, Nani (a.k.a my sister Lisa) helped the boys fancy up their hair. Enjoy the results below!

Saturday, October 3, 2009
Salmon Savers
Here we are River side ... where the boys decided to redesign the river, in an effort to help a fellow creature!
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