We also decided to check out some of the local entertainment, with an evening of Cosmic Bowling .. I chose not to include the photo that shows all three of the boys ahead of me in scoring!

And then there were the fires! The boys are fascinated with fires and so the other night we had a fire, in our burn pit and roasted marsh mellows. All four of us had the best night sleep afterwards.

Mitchel has learned from his dad the art of layering .. so when we decided on a chilly day to hit the park Mitchel put on "fouthles". His way of saying four layers. Makinely suited up in his own special way. We love the Parksville Park!!

And finally .. haircuts. Makinley has been quite determined lately to get spiky hair. Everywhere he goes he is called a girl and he's not pleased. Finally today we went to Beaners in Nanaimo, a kids hair shop. Well the pictures say it all!!